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Confessions of an Identity in Christ

To experience meaningful spiritual growth remind yourself of who you are and whose you are.

Pray this by faith:

I am not what the world thinks or says I am. I am not what the devil of the kingdom of darkness says, imagines, or has designed me to be. I am not the picture of what others think I should be according to the idols they hold high. I am not what my friends think I am. I am not what my father or mother think or want me to be. I am not what my culture wants me to be. I am not a reflection of the national

economy or what institutionalized darkness has designed me to be. I am not what I think I am. I am who and what the Word of God says I am. I am a reflection of God on earth. I am fashioned in the likeness of my heavenly father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

I am renewed by the blood of Jesus. I am ransomed from the powers of darkness and death. I am washed in the blood, bought with a price, and redeemed. I am justified by Christ and made righteous through Him. I am a believer of Truth, which is the Word of God. I have given every part of me to the Father. I am born again, a new creature, and of a peculiar people. I am heaven-bound, I belong to the Kingdom. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places far above the principalities and powers of darkness. I am a king-priest, much like Jesus, who has ordained me to rule here on earth. I am the fear of any and all darkness that comes against the Kingdom of God. I am a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit of God. My body is His temple. I am in community with other children of God. The Word says that I am a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a chosen generation, and peculiar person.

I am special in sight of God. The Bible teaches me that because I have believed in and received Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior I am a child of God. As a Child of God I can tread upon scorpions and trample upon serpents and all the powers of the enemy. I am empowered to call upon the name of Jesus. And as I call upon the name of Jesus, every bit of depression, anxiety, pain, mental haze, sickness, doubt, fear, and ______, leaves my surroundings. I am empowered to bind, to loose, to decree, and to declare things, and the Bible says wherever my voice is heard no one can ask me why. I do these things not because my voice is my own, in fact, my voice is the voice of a king in full authority.

I am made a little lower than the angels and God has crowned me with glory and honour and has given me dominion over all the works of His hands. The darkness that was against my God-given authority has been destroyed by Christ. The gate of hell cannot and will not prevail against me.

I am the branch, He is the true vine. I abide in Him and He in me, and I bear great fruity. I am full of the fruit of the Spirit. I am full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I bear the light of God’s glory. I am full of divine favor and I benefit from all of heaven’s spiritual blessings.

I am an overcomer. In faith and according to the Word I overcome ungodly worry, anxiety, heaviness of spirit, sorrow, depression, identity crisis, confusions, and lust both of the eye and of the flesh. It is written, greater is He that dwells in me than he that dwells in this world. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every lying word spoken against me and contrary to the Word of God shall be proven wrong. I am established and far from oppression, I have no fear and no terror will come near me. The Lord is my secret place, He hides me in His wing.

God has given me divine health, life, and strength. By the stripes of Jesus I am health, through His blood I am made new. Through Christ I am made right with God, old things have passed away. I have peace that passes all understanding, and the peace of God guards my heart, my mind, my soul, and my spirit. I have prosperity and God withholds no good thing from me.

I am justified by the words that I speak today. I humbly ask that the Word of God I have confessed begins to transform me and reset me to the original image God designed me to be. Renew, revive, rebirth me. May the blood of Jesus cleanse me and erase every dark name I have ever been called. I nullify every evil word spoken concerning me. I am a picture of victory, not failure. I will no longer be rejected, forsaken, desolate, or downcast.

By your divine power may every good thing God has written about me be manifested on earth as it is in heaven.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. His praises shall continually be on my lips.


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